Thermo Electron

Milford, Massachusetts 
100,000 square feet 


  • Project Management
  • Relocation Services


Thermo Electron was consolidating the manufacturing operations from 4 facilities into a newly acquired leased building in Milford, Massachusetts. The new facility would have to undergo a major transformation to accommodate Thermo’s manufacturing needs, which included a large machine shop, flexible manufacturing and four laboratories for scientific testing and product qualification. C.R.E.SOURCE was selected to manage the design and construction of the renovations and assist in the move process. 


C.R.E.SOURCE took responsibility for directing the performance of the design-build contractor hired by Thermo. We established an Owner’s team to provide programming direction and to evaluate preliminary designs. During the design process an extensive cost analysis was performed and a value engineering program was conducted. On Thermo’s behalf, C.R.E.SOURCE led the development of construction contracts and negotiated the final guaranteed maximum price (GMP). In spite of these extensive planning and control actions, the project was managed to an extremely aggressive completion schedule. Construction was limited to 11 weeks and production downtime was to be kept to a narrow shutdown window; the most complex of which was the relocation of the machine shop. During a five day period the shop was shutdown, rigged to its new location, hooked-up, re-commissioned and put back into operation. 

Thermo completed its consolidation in the agreed upon timeframe; at a cost below the contract GMP value.


C.R.E.SOURCE managed Thermo Electron’s construction program to the established budget and schedule goals. We supported their relocation planning and move-in process as well as their post-occupancy work and closeout activities.